Product photograph and live broadcast preparation

 To improve service and product, we usually gather suggestions from the sales team every month. The sales team actively communicates with the client every day, so they know what the client care and concern about. At the end of August, one of our sales mentioned that the client sometimes requires detailed pictures of LED posters and taxi top LED displays. Looking through the pictures we took, there isn't a satisfactory one to share. We didn't ignore this detail but attached great importance to it. Later on, the marketing department starts to negotiate whether we take the pictures ourselves or invite a professional photograph team to help. Finally, we chose the latter.


The photograph team took pictures of LED posters, taxi top LED display, circle LED display and cross LED display. Basically all of our star products have been included. Now the covid19 situation is not stable in most countries and regions, traveling and visiting the factory is not so convenient. The detailed picture we took this time will help clients to have a close view of the product. Now the photograph team is working on those pictures, sooner we will share them on our new website.




Except for taking detailed pictures. We are currently planning for live broadcasting in our new showroom. Anchors are ready, content and showroom are still in preparation, the live broadcast will be held on several platforms, like Facebook and Instagram. We welcome clients and fans from the globe to watch the live broadcast when everything is ready.


If you want to know anything about our product, please feel free to write us an email. NSE team will try to introduce your point on the future live broadcasts. In NSE, client’s concern or questions can always get feedback, contact us today to have a further talk, you know you are most welcomed!   
