Power supply requirements: The power supply connection point should be within the size of the screen. 220V Mains power supply, FireWire 0 line grounding line; 380V mains power supply, three FireWire Line 0 grounding line; FireWire and 0 line conductors have the same cross-sectional area; 10 kilowatts or more display screens should be started and lowered.
Communication requirements: The communication distance is defined by the length of the communication line. The communication line must be installed with the length of the communication line used for the model of the installed display. The communication line must not be routed with the power cable in the same line.
Installation requirements:
1, advertising LED display installed around the level, does not allow backward tilt.
2, lifting LED display to install up and down adjustment rod.
3, Before installing the wall-mounted LED display, it is necessary to install a falling-off hook.
4, when landing LED display installation advertising LED display manufacturer need to add positioning support bolts.
