1, Exchanges and fiscal information screen
The Outdoor Rental LED Display within this area accounts for at least 50 percent of the national LED displays need in prior decades, and there's still a massive need.
2, The airport flight dynamic data display
Civil aviation airport structure is quite clear about the essentials of the house screen. The LED screens is your chosen product of this flight information display system (FIDS).
3, Port, channel passenger advice information display
The LED screens of civil-oriented data systems and broadcasting methods, train departure and arrival demonstrating systems, train departure and arrival revealing systems, ticketing data systems and other automatic methods which constitute a passenger heartbeat are becoming an significant part the national railroad station and vent technology transformation and development.
4, Stadium information display
LED scene displays as the key way of game info screen and live broadcasting of this sport has altered the standard light and CRT display screens, getting a must-have match centre in contemporary sports venues.
5,Road traffic info display
The growth of intelligent utility programs has been broadly adopted in the regions of urban usefulness, highways, etc., and outdoor advertising rental LED display demonstrates that folks function as factor data boards and speed limit signs.
