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Do you have your own singer Idol? Or have you ever experinenced a super singer concert in-person? like Taylor Swift Live 2020 Full Concert, or Justin Bieber’s live from NYE, if you ‘re lucky to have been there, you must have been stunned by that spectacular and exhilarating atomosphere.
And all these live visual impact should be attributed to LED display, all kinds of bright light and video from Screens are about LED screen, thus, we must be cuirous why there existed LED display? what is it originarily from? well, it’s a long story about it, Many scientists in the last and different periods discover and improve it, from red, yellow, and blue, for the development of the LED display, people have done this for a long time, so today’s LED display technology is able to see further, it was only because it stood on the shoulders of giants.
As I mentioned, LED display technology now is improving all the time, for its strong advantage, they have been very more attractive and popular in the current market, so for this mysterious LED display, how it exactly make up? let me explain it for you as follow:
1, what is the led display?
● LED Display (light-emitting diode display)is a screen display technology that uses a panel of LEDs as the light source, and can emit different color light by special arrangement. LEDs are small electronic devices which produce a very efficient light source. A typical LED display is composed of many LED panels, which are used as a form of illumination or for display.
● The LED display is basically are designed by pixels, modules, panels and displays.
LED Pixel is the smallest unit that forms LED screens. LED Pixel is created with 3 different RGB colors as Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B). The combination of these LEDs in different colors forms an LED pixel.
LED Module refers to the group of pixels that make up the LED screens. This is the group of LED panels that forms the cabinets.
LED Cabinet A certain number of LED modules are mounted on special constructions,The combination of cabinets creates full-screen images.
● More specifically, LED display screen is made up of a series of LED chips to range, it is also named as LED dot matrixes. The distance between LED chips is named pixel pitch, for example, the P3 LED display screen with 3mm pixel pitch consists of several 3mm pixel pitch modules.
The smaller the pixel pitch is, the bigger the pixel density is, the higher the module resolution is, the clearer the screen is. but that does mean the LED display with the smallest pixel pitch is the most proper LED display, because that depends on your requirements like used in indoor or outdoor? your budget? Does power provide? and the viewing distance? those are the necessary elements we need to take into consideration when we choose LED display.
2, What is the advantage of LED display compared to the traditional lighting device?
① Aside from being power efficient, LEDs produce more brilliance and greater light intensity which show a better visual impact, which’s indispensable in various entertainment activities. maybe that’s the name of ”Bright Lights, Big City”come from! As I shared above, LED display gained great popularity for their strong advantage, what are they?
② They follow the green and economical theme because of their low temperature and light pollution.

3, What is the difference between outdoor and indoor led display?
● Display Resolution
① One difference between indoor LED displays and outdoor LED displays relates to the resolutions that the signs offer. Because outdoor LED signs are normally intended to be viewed from farther distances than their indoor counterparts, outdoor signs can rely on lower resolutions with very little compromise in terms of visibility.
② Indoor LED signs that are intended to be viewed from shorter distances require higher resolutions to achieve pictures with optimal quality.
● Different led displays for different environments
① The most obvious and commonly thought of difference between indoor LED signs and outdoor LED signs relates to the ability of the display to withstand extreme weather conditions. Because indoor LED displays are not exposed to the elements, additional protections are not necessary.
② Whereas with outdoor LED displays, weather protection is not an option, especially in certain geographic regions where extreme weather conditions are frequently experienced.
4, How to choose the right led product for you?
● These days LED displays are high in demand. They can serve multiple purposes like advertising, retail businesses, sports, rental & events, public information.
① Retail businesses:
In retail or architectural business, aspects like novelty, lightweight, clearness, flexibility. These projects are short span projects and visual impact defines them as the spots where LED displays are mounted are customarily subject to alterations and adjustments rather frequently.
② Sports:
In Sports, the products are used for limited hours a week. The LED displays with hardware, software, and other things, are there to entertain and to update spectators before, during, and after the game. Therefore it turns out to be the killer application. The display comprises scoreboards, promotions, social media interaction to attract more people to the stadium or gymnasium.
③ Rental & events:
Rental & staging events is the most precise and exceptional application. In these applications LED displays are integrated, as they are composed of small, light, portable cabinets that can be mounted and undone quickly. It is moreover the most competitive and widespread corporate area, screens can be fitted in TV workshops, trade displays, conference studios, performances, carnivals etc. That’s why in these businesses one needs to keep an eye on the worth of the money spent.
④ Public information:
Last but not the least, public information sector, works with diverse message signs mounted on highways, along with urban or suburban infrastructures, in stations, airports, control rooms. Compliance with protocols and product accreditation provides the right choice, as it is very difficult to think of products that have no reliable certifications could be capable of conveying perfect and legible messages.

5, What are the ways it can be installed?
● To begin with, it is necessary to know the area where they will be applied and why. Since LEDs are versatile and can fit in a number of scenarios, companies can replace traditional media with them, thereby or use outdated display technologies like projector screens and LCD panels.
Below are a few scenarios where LEDs are commonly used and needed to be installed:
① Hung:
When it comes to indoor or semi-indoor use, ceiling hung installation of LEDs is the best as they do not need any physical space, thereby saving a lot of space. Apart from indoors, these installations are also good for locations like entrances, passageways, venues, stations, etc. However, make sure that these screens are small to medium-sized because this installation cannot bear more weight.
② Wall-Mounted:
This type of installation is also good for both outdoor and indoor applications. This method needs flushing or embedding of the LED display with the wall to enhance the overall aesthetics of the space. The only thing to consider is the designing and planning stage for LED screen installation because it needs support from a steel frame.