With the widespread usage of digital signage, traditional roll-up led displays couldn’t meet customer needs. especially in terms of the brightness of LED display. As the emerging market of taxi topper LED sign comes out. a number of countries would rather choose car top led display for outdoor advertising than traditional digital signage. Besides, outdoor taxi top led billboard is more intelligent. Has a large production of output, waterproof and dustproof, high brightness and high resolution, brightness up to 5000nits. Nowadays, become the superior choice for outdoor advertising.
Whether the image of taxi top led billboard can be shown vividly?
In recent years, the market for taxi top led billboard increasingly growing in South America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, such as America, Canada, Spain, Japan, etc. Meanwhile, taxi topper LED sign as a newly developing market of outdoor mobile advertising. greatly helped the advertising agency to promote the sales volume of their customer’s products. Except for showing advertisement, also can be used for playing entertainment programs. For instance, music, movies, and so on. Software providers can develop user interface in these screens according to client’s business needs. However, many of our customers would worry about when facing strong sunlight. whether the image of taxi top led billboard can be shown vividly?
NSE as a leading supplier of LED Display, already working in this industry for 6 years. We are still continuing research and development. From outdoor P5 car top screen to HD performance outdoor P2.5 taxi rooftop screen, achieved the highest level in contrast ratio and brightness. The brightness of our outdoor P2.5 taxi top screen can reach to 5000nits. Besides, we have been taken a video about whether the program on the P2.5 taxi screen can be shown clearly under direct sunlight. Except that, we will use a professional tool-Light Gun to take a video of the brightness test of our taxi top signage later.
If you have any other project cases of outdoor mobile advertising, or you want to know more information about led car screens. warmly welcome to contact NSE Team at any time! We will provide the best solution for you.